
Japanese Language Class

Community Aid Bridge

Japanese Language Class

Are you new in Japan and want to learn the language?

You can speak a little but are misunderstood?

You’ve had some language training before and want to improve on it?

Can’t understand a thing and want to at least get the basics?

If you’ve answered yes to any of the above, then you can join our classes!

What we offer:

1. A practical Japanese language class at an affordable rate.

2. Small classes (1 – 4 students).

3. Opportunities to interact and make friends with people from various places.

Special offer:

If you are interested in teaching your language, you can take our classes for FREE.

Classes for 2008:

1. You can begin your classes anytime.

2. It is held on Tuesday evenings from 7pm – 8pm.

3. It is held at Nozawa Kaikan in Nozawa. Click here for a map.

4. Beginners, Advanced Beginners, and Lower Intermediate level classes are currently available. For other levels, please contact us at cab@npo-jp.net

5. Depending on needs and teacher availability we may also be able to change dates, locations, and create a new class. Please inquire about this.


2000 yen per six-months. This includes all materials and room charges.

Our teachers:

All our teachers are volunteers who have taught classes for us previously. We also screen new volunteers and give them necessary training if they do not have previous teaching experience. The teachers do not get paid and are self-motivated, responsible individuals who enjoy meeting people from different countries. All of them have regular jobs and have registered with us to contribute their valuable time in teaching the language. The teachers who are registered with us now are:
Ms. Kaoru Sakurai – Beginner level
Ms. Maki Tsuchiya – Beginner and intermediate
Mr. Takashi Kazama – Intermediate and advanced

For further information or questions, please feel free to contact our coordinator Mr. Noboru Kobayashi at cabstaff@gmail.com or call us at 080-5108-5246.


バーベキュー 2008夏!


参加資格 どなたでも大歓迎!(小学生以下の方は保護者同伴でお願いいたします)

開催日 8月24日(日曜日)

時間 昼12時から

場所 佐久町総合運動公園「元気が出る公園」
地図 http://maps.google.co.jp/maps?q=36.157593,+138.471508&hl=ja

参加費 大人1500円、中高生1000円、小学生500円、小学生未満無料

その他 少雨決行

申込締切 8月22日(金)

Eメール cabstaff@gmail.com
電話 (080-5108-5246)
